Grandma was transferred to The Oaks on Friday. The move was supposed to occur at lunchtime but there was some kind of transportation problem and she didn't arrive until after dinner time.
Since just after her hip was put back together, she had complained of problems and she was tested for a yeast infection on Thursday. It's a two day culture and the results came in on Saturday -- methicillin resistant Staphylococcus aureus, also known as MRSA staph infection. She's on some very heavy duty antibiotics for this and she is in isolation for two weeks. The Oaks moved her roommate out. She is on what they call "contact isolation" now that the doctors at The Oaks have seen her. At this time, it seems that the infection was caught relatively early is confined to her bladder.
The Oaks is just under 15 minutes from my workplace and I stopped in for a brief lunchtime visit with her yesterday. She was very tired and the antibiotics are making her nauseous but her color is much much better. It's a really nice looking place. The Oaks is only two years old and the whole place is carpeted. They have Nautilus in the gym that she will be using for rehab. It has fountains, a courtyard, a Starbucks (or maybe they "proudly server Starbucks coffee") and all the TVs are LCD. Fancy.
My mother was relieved to hear that one of the symptoms of MRSA is confusion. Hopefully MRSA was the issue all along and that it is not mini-strokes that my mother was worried about.
I will try to bring Hannah to visit Grandma when we have a nice day. I need to confirm that I can bring a dog up to the porch or courtyard for a visit. Hannah used to do therapy at Dorthea Dix and I can get her paperwork updated if necessary.
Meanwhile, Mom and Dad have rented a storage unit for Grandma's stuff. Grandma was scheduled to move from her apartment to a retirement community today. At this point, it looks like she may be headed to assisted living instead but we won't know for a while yet.
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